Proactive Approaches Team

Proactive Approaches Team support (PA) is a behavioural approach that is used to support behaviour change in individuals with a learning disability. PA does not aim to ‘fix’ a person nor does it focus on the challenging behaviour that they may demonstrate. Instead PA relies on the principle that if you can teach an individual a more effective alternative behaviour than the challenging one, the challenging behaviour itself will reduce.

The young individuals that we support have the right to have their behaviour recognised and responded to, in a respectful, positive and person-centered manner. The principle aim of PA is to understand why an individual displays challenging behaviour and then to structure their care and support to reduce the likelihood of it occurring. This would support an improved quality of life for the individuals and their families as well as other relevant stakeholders.

Here, at The Village School, PA is embedded in our whole educational approach-from the way we deliver instructions to our students, to the way we support them to access the national curriculum. Some of our students may have a more specialised PA approach. This may include implementing proactive support plans so that the staff who are supporting that student on a daily basis, are doing so in a manner that ensures they are accessing teaching and learning to their best possible advantage. At The Village School, we focus on tailoring learning to the student's benefit, whether that's through incorporating 1:1 individualised teaching time, or changing the classroom environment to benefit those who are learning. In doing so, we are ensuring that students are receiving person-centred unique support-each student is different and may learn differently and through the PA approach, every student is given the opportunity to thrive and learn on a daily basis. 

Our Team


Carrie Hedges

(Proactive Approaches Team)

Parents are invited to telephone the school office if they wish to make an appointment to discuss their child’s behaviour.